Level 2: Awareness of child abuse and neglect eLearning (2024 - 2025)


This is the first part of the 'Level 2: Generalist Safeguarding' course. Please book onto the second part, the 'Level 2: webinar', as soon as possible when you have successfully completed this 'part 1 elearning' to fully complete the course. You have only completed the entire 'Level 2: Generalist Safeguarding' course, when you have completed both parts.

Every child and young person has the right to live in an environment that is free from abuse and neglect. Anyone, in any capacity, who is aware that abuse or neglect is taking place has a responsibility to take action. 'Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility'. If you have concerns about a child or young person, whether this is something you have seen or something that is said, it is your responsibility to tell someone.

Every organisation is required to have a 'Safeguarding Policy'. If you do not have access to your setting's safeguarding policy, it may be beneficial for you to access it now before you continue with the e-learning course.

In order to complete the course and generate a certificate you will need to go through all the contents of the course and complete the quiz at the end. If you are unsuccessful with your first 3 attempts at the quiz, then your account can be reset for an additional 2 attempts by contacting the OSCB training team via the email address below. It is suggested that at this point you gain the support of your Manager or a Senior staff member to go through the course with you to aid understanding. Please email the following in order for your account to be reset: oscb.training@oxfordshire.gov.uk