WEBINAR: Introduction to Domestic Abuse

Date & Time:

Thursday 2 February 2023 (09:30 - 12:30)

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WEBINAR session,


Duration: 1 hour of pre-training materials to complete in your own time followed by a 3 hour (with breaks!) virtual training delivered via Zoom. Pre-training materials will be sent to delegates seperately after booking.

This half-day training provides an introduction to domestic abuse and coercive control and is designed for individuals who encounter people who may be experiencing domestic abuse, whether in their work (whether paid or voluntary) or in their personal lives (neighbours, friends, family or colleagues).

The aim is to increase knowledge and confidence in the community so that those experiencing domestic abuse receive appropriate and timely support.

Content will include what constitutes domestic abuse in the UK, the crime of Coercive and Controlling behaviour, tactics of coercive control, introduction to stalking, indicators someone is experiencing abuse and in particular indicators of serious harm, and how to respond, support and signpost/refer.



Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:


Reducing the Risk

Venue Details:

WEBINAR session,

(01865 815843 / oscb.training@oxfordshire.gov.uk)