WEBINAR: Domestic Abuse CHAMPIONS training

Date & Time:

Wednesday 27 November 2024 (09:30 - 16:30)
Tuesday 3 December 2024 (09:30 - 16:30)

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WEBINAR session,


It is estimated that 1 in 5 adults (16+) experience domestic abuse (DA) during their lifetime. Whether you are in a paid or voluntary child and family role, there is a strong likelihood that you will be supporting victim survivors, their families and/or perpetrators of domestic abuse within your role. There is also a likelihood that a colleague or team member are experiencing, or have experienced, a form of domestic abuse. Understanding, and confidence, in supporting those impacted by DA is an essential piece of the puzzle to early intervention, prevention, and protection of harm.

The Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Champions Network, ran by the Adolescent Safeguarding Consultancy in partnership with Oxfordshire County Council, has been set up to support you carry out your role and responsibilities when working with the complexities of domestic abuse. This 2-day accredited training programme aims to deepen your knowledge, understanding, partnership working and confidence in identifying, responding to, and appropriately supporting children, young people, and their families where any form of domestic abuse is a concern. 

This is a 2-day training course, with a requirement to sign up to, and attend, both days. The 2 days will be scheduled in separate weeks, so to not take delegates away from too much of their working/voluntary weekly commitments.

Who should attend:

This training course is open to anyone over the age of 18 who works or volunteers with residents of Oxfordshire.

Aims & objectives:

By the end of day 1, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand how trauma can present and impact victim survivors, families & perpetrators of DA
  • Reflect upon the impact of supporting those impacted by DA, including vicarious trauma
  • Have deeper knowledge of the relationship between domestic abuse and contextual safeguarding including how DA can impact the safety of individuals in the community
  • Consider how contextual safeguarding approaches can be utilised to support community members in identifying and safeguarding those impacted by DA
  • Understand how technology in the modern world can present and be utilised as a means of control & coercion, the impact of this and how we can support those impacted by tech abuse

By the end of day 2, delegates will be able to:

  • Name orders available to victims of DA, how they can obtain these and know how to support a victim survivor wishing to get one
  • Recognise emotional burnout, vicarious trauma and what coping strategies they can use to protect themselves in their professional or voluntary role
  • How to recognise and respond to the harmer and utilise systemic approaches such as motivational interviewing to support and invoke lasting change


After completing the training, delegates are very welcome to join the Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Champions Hub, where they can find resources, seek support, and connect with multi-agency colleagues.  They can request to join via: https://bit.ly/423dqA9

Places Available:


Further Information:

Venue Details:

WEBINAR session,

(01865 815843 / oscb.training@oxfordshire.gov.uk)