WEBINAR: Level 2: Early Years Generalist Safeguarding

Date & Time:

Friday 10 December 2021 (13:00 - 15:00) - Please login to join the waiting list

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WEBINAR session,


This course is delivered via a live online trainer led webinar and closer to the event date, delegates will receive AN INVITE from the Early Years Training Team. This will include the Microsoft Teams link to join the webinar.

The 'Webinar: Level 2: EY Generalist Safeguarding' course is for practitioners who have contact with children for 3 hours or more per month, in an early years setting. 

Delegates are advised that attendance at this event is dependent on the successful completion of the following:

eLearning: Level 2 Awareness of child abuse and neglect Sept 2023

which is also available on the OSCB booking site.

All delegates are strongly advised to refer to the OSCB's 'Training Policy' for more details, which is available on the OSCB website.

Delegates must have access to a laptop or a computer as this session is not accessible via a mobile phone or ipad and it is necessary to set up a 'Microsoft Teams' account to access the session.

Practitioners are able to attend this webinar if they have not undertaken 'EY Generalist' training before or if they need to refresh their learning and their training certificate. Completion for either reason will lead to a certificate which is valid for 3 years from the date of completion of the eLearning pre-requisite, providing the webinar has also been successfully completed.

This course will give delegates an opportunity to:

  • Consolidate learning covered in the 'An awareness of child abuse and neglect' eLearning course
  • Raise awareness of current national and local safeguarding themes
  • Reflect on how to listen if a child wants to tell you something
  • Confirm the process of what to do if you are worried about a child and who to talk to

Delegates should be aware that there are 7 documents available to download as pre-reading to undertaking this webinar and there will be opportunities for discussion on these during the session.

RestrictionAvailableApplicable to you
Early YearsNo Limit
All organisations (except Early Years)0




Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:

Venue Details:

WEBINAR session,

(01865 815843 / oscb.training@oxfordshire.gov.uk)